Concerts and Thought Leadership

Gharana Series

A subject that is designed to be covered in multiple episodes, focuses on nuances and specialties of one Gharana at a time.

This is a multi-part series concert. Each episode focuses on nuances and specialties of one particular Gharana at a time. In the First episode of this series, the legendary Gwalior Gharana was beautifully covered by two of its exponents – Pt. Kedar Bodas and Pt. Sharad Sathe through highly engaging discussions and mesmerizing performances.

Gwalior Vertical

Gharana Series - Gwalior

19th January 2019 at Sahayog Mandir, Thane

Gharana Series - Jaipur

1st February 2020 at Sahayog Mandir, Thane

Saath Sangat

This unique concert was all about the Art of Accompaniment in Classical Music

This unique program was all about the Art of Accompaniment in Classical Music, its roles in a Maifil and the unique challenges involved. It covered Discussions on behind-the-scenes stories, their unique experiences, and the captivating live performances by two legendary accompanist – Pt. Sudhir Nayak and Pt. Dr. Aneesh Pradhan .


Saath Sangat

19th February 2017 at Sahayog Mandir, Thane

Din Din Anand

A very unique concert designed based on core ideas in Indian Classical Music

A very innovative concert designed based on the core ideas in Indian Classical Music beautifully explained how Ragaas are linked to the time cycle of a day through amazing performances by young and talented students of Classical Music.